¿Qué es Talent Management?

What happens when you have the talent or there is a project already underway?
Here comes into play Talent Management, a consulting service through which talent is managed. Our People Care team takes care of their well-being, suggests tools that are useful for their individual development and work environment. Additionally, they ensure that talent embraces the identity of the brand they work for.

Some of the actions that can be included are:
– Design of talent recruitment, selection and onboarding plans.
– Experience design (talent hunting, onboarding).
– Career plan development, well-being, benefits and talent retention.
– Talent development programs (leadership, project management, empowerment).

Who can acquire this service?
– Companies that have talent, but need a third party to manage it.
– Companies that don't have the talent or the team in place. In this case, at WES, we also take care of Talent Hunting (talent search and selection).

Looking for Talent? Contact us!
